
General Software Utilities
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# coreutils

A collection of general software utilities commonly found on UNIX systems.

## Utilities

| Utility          | Description                              | Standard |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------- | -------- |
| base64*          | Base64 encode or decode data             |          |
| basename         | Return non-directory portion of a path   | POSIX    |
| cat              | Concatenate and print files              | POSIX    |
| chmod            | Change the file modes                    | POSIX    |
| cksum            | Write file checksums and sizes           | POSIX    |
| cp               | Copy files                               | POSIX    |
| dirname          | Return the directory portion of a path   | POSIX    |
| echo             | Write arguments to standard output       | POSIX    |
| env              | Execute with an altered enviroment       | POSIX    |
| false            | Return false value                       | POSIX    |
| head             | Output the first part of files           | POSIX    |
| id\*             | Return user identity                     | POSIX    |
| link             | Create a link to a file                  | POSIX    |
| logname          | Return the user's login name             | POSIX    |
| mkdir            | Make directories                         | POSIX    |
| nice             | Invoke with an altered nice value        | POSIX    |
| orphan           | Invoke a command as an orphan            |          |
| od\*             | Dump files in various formats            | POSIX    |
| pwd              | Print working directory                  | POSIX    |
| rand             | Generate random string                   |          |
| realpath         | Resolve an absolute pathname             |          |
| relogin          | Invoke a command as a specified user     |          |
| rmdir            | Remove directories                       | POSIX    |
| sleep            | Suspend execution for an interval        | POSIX    |
| sum              | Write file checksums and block counts    |          |
| sync             | Synchronise file system caches to disk   |          |
| tee              | Duplicate standard input                 | POSIX    |
| time             | Time a simple command                    | POSIX    |
| touch            | Change file access and modify times      | POSIX    |
| true             | Return true value                        | POSIX    |
| tty              | Return user's terminal name              | POSIX    |
| uname            | Return system name                       | POSIX    |
| unlink           | Remove a file using the unlink function  | POSIX    |
| wc               | Word, line, and byte or character count  | POSIX    |
| yes              | Output a string repeatedly               |          |

- Utilities marked with an asterisk ('*') may be incomplete or non-complaint.

## Usage

**coreutils** is being developed on x86-64 Linux, and is untested elsewhere.

### Dependencies

- A C23 capable compiler, to build
- CMake >= 3.14, to build

### Building

To build **coreutils**, run `make build`.

### Running

For information on each utility see its respective manpage or use the `--help`

## Meta

Copyright (C) 2020, Jakob Wakeling  
[MIT Licence](