.TH SUM 1 2022-03-06 "OMKOV coreutils" "General Commands Manual" .SH NAME sum \(em write file checksums and block counts .SH SYNOPSYS \fBsum\fR [-rs] [\fIfile\fR...] .SH DESCRIPTION Compute and print a checksum for each input file, as well as the file block count. When no option is specified, the BSD algorithm and block size is used. .SH OPTIONS The following options are supported: .IP "\fB-r\fR" 8 Use BSD algorithm and 1024 byte blocks. .IP "\fB-s\fR" 8 Use System V algorithm and 512 byte blocks. .IP "\fB--help\fR" 8 Display help information. .IP "\fB--version\fR" 8 Display version information. .SH OPERANDS The following operand is supported: .IP "\fIfile\fR" 8 A pathname of an input file. If no \fIfile\fR operands are specified, or \fIfile\fR is a '\fB-\fR', \fIsum\fR will read from standard input. .SH EXIT STATUS The following exit values will be returned: .IP "\ 0" 8 All files were processed successfully. .IP ">0" 8 An error occurred. .SH COPYRIGHT .nf Copyright (C) 2020, Jakob Wakeling MIT Licence (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) .fi